Neshannock Online Campus

The Neshannock Online Campus serves students in grades 7 through 12 and is powered by Schoology. Our online campus offers Neshannock Township School District students both the academic strengths of the traditional classroom and the flexibility of an online learning platform. The Neshannock Online Campus curriculum offers full access to district resources and facilities, including guidance counseling, libraries, and athletic facilities at no cost to district families. Your child may join extracurricular music and theater groups, special interest clubs, and sports teams. The online campus offers students something unique to cyber education — a Neshannock Township School District diploma and the ability to graduate with classmates.

Interested families should contact Mrs. Flannery. All NHS Online Campus courses scheduled will meet graduation or grade level requirements that are in line with Neshannock Township School District.

Policies and Procedures:

Any enrollment in Neshannock Online Campus is done on a trial basis.  Students must earn passing grades in all courses in order to remain in NOC for the following grading period(s).  Should a student receive a failing grade in any course, he/she will be transitioned to the in-person setting at the start of the following grading period. This procedure is in place to protect and benefit the student.  We want to ensure that our students have every reasonable opportunity to succeed.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of the daily live support sessions available during tenth period if they experience any difficulty with coursework.

Ideally, we like students to begin and end a grading period in the same model of education; nonetheless, we understand that circumstances arise making a switch from in-person to cyber education a necessity. If a student transitions to NOC after the midpoint of the grading period, he/she will remain in NOC for the duration of the current grading period, as well as the entirety of the following grading period as long as the student receives passing grades in all courses. For example, a student transitioning to NOC on October 15 (after the midpoint of the first grading period) will remain in NOC for the rest of the first grading period and the entire second grading period.

If a student, in collaboration with the parent/guardian, decides to withdraw from the Neshannock Online Campus, a transition back to the Junior/Senior High School building can occur at the end of a grading period. In order to transition to the in-person setting, please contact Mrs. Flannery prior to the start of the next nine-week grading period. The student will then report to the building on the first day of the new grading period. Email reminders are typically sent to NOC students and parents/guardians regarding deadlines to return to the in-person setting for a new grading period.

All students enrolled in the online campus must adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in our student handbook. Students will follow the school calendar and must be logged in for attendance purposes no later than 8:10 am each school day.  Failure to submit the attendance form on time will result in the student being marked absent for the day.  Per the Board-approved Student Handbook, any student who is unexcused absent is not permitted to participate in that day’s extracurricular school activity — this includes sports.

In the event that a student is unable to access Schoology, or is having difficulty accessing/submitting the attendance form, the student is to reach out to Mrs. Flannery or Mr. Viggiano prior to 8:10 am.  If a student is unable to access email, please contact Mrs. Flannery’s office at 724-658-4793, ext. 5103.

Some courses may be unavailable in Neshannock Online Campus.  Please review the Program of Studies and consult your child’s school counselor for additional details.  Honors and advanced placement course assessments are to be taken in-person unless stated otherwise by the course instructor.  The NOC student and course instructor will communicate with one another to schedule the in-person assessments.

Students are required to participate in mandatory assessment testing (i.e. PSSA and Keystone) in the building. Details will be provided to the students and parents prior to the testing windows by USPS Mail — details will also be posted to the school pages of the District website.  Tentative testing windows are published on the District calendar – click here to view.  Pennsylvania Department of Education – Act 158 – Statewide High School Graduation Requirement

Schoology Framework:

From attendance to assessments, Schoology is the central hub for your student’s online learning experience. Each student will log on to view their unique course dashboard and, from there, navigate to the course page for each of their scheduled classes. Course pages contain materials created by the student’s instructor. Materials can include video lessons, interactive assignments, online lab experiences, virtual assessments, and more. Student’s submit completed work to their teacher via the platform, keeping virtual learning as organized as possible. The system will also display instructor feedback directly on the submitted assignment or assessment. Additional features such as messaging with teachers, notifications for upcoming assignments, and a list of overdue work also help to enhance and organize the online learning experience. 

Interested in learning more, check out the video below highlighting the Schoology experience at Neshannock or read through our student Schoology Guide:

NTSD Chromebook Rules and Guidelines

2023-2024 Technology Usage Agreement Form

Schoology Student Guide, 2023-2024

Junior High Program of Studies, 2024-2025

Senior High Program of Studies, 2024-2025

NHS Student Activities Catalog, 2024-2025

Supply Lists:

Mrs. Flannery

Mrs. Jennifer L. Flannery

Contact Information:

Neshannock Jr./Sr. High School:  724-658-5513

Mrs. Jennifer Flannery, Director of Educational Services
724-658-4793, ext. 5103

Mrs. Brenda DeVincentis, Senior High School Counselor
724-658-5513, ext. 5115

Mr. Adam Held, Junior High School Counselor
724-658-5513, ext. 5122

Mrs. Staci Norris, Director of Special Education
724-658-4793, ext. 5106

Mr. Brad Shaffer, Network Administrator

Mr. Aaron Viggiano, Network Administrator